
Homework Frequency

Consideration is given as to the number of lessons per fortnight and the type and scale of tasks that may be set in each subject so that the demands of homework are manageable for both students and teachers.

  3 or less lessons per fortnight 4-5 lessons per fortnight 6 or more lessons per fortnight
KS3 Once every 4 weeks Once every 2 weeks Once every week
GCSE Once per week
A LEVEL Once per week

Homework Content

Subject Leaders regularly monitor the homework being set to ensure that the quantity and quality of tasks fully support learning. Homework should always be recorded in student’s planners. All work is marked in line with the expectations set above through a combination of Acknowledgement Marking (checking that the work has been completed and that there are no obvious mistakes that need correcting), Quality Teacher Marking (WWW/EBI), through peer or self assessment against agreed success criteria or verbal feedback with a student response.

Homework for KS3 should take up to 30 minutes. 

Homework for KS4 and KS5 should take up to 1 hour. 

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